Special transformers called dry transformers made to distributing the electrical power in smart manner. They do this by converting electrical energy from one voltage level to another. This process simplifies the movement of power created at a central location such as in a power plant to different places where it is required, including homes and businesses. Dry QXG 三相変圧器, on the other hand use no liquid for cooling (unlike conventional transformers) That is one factor contributing to their rise in popularity.
The use of dry transformers are much safer and environmental friendly in comparison to regular standard transformer. Conventional transformers typically employ oil, which is combustible or flammable and hence presents a fire hazard. Dry transformers, on the other hand, are not filled with oil and this makes them less dangerous unless misused. Dry transformers are also less likely to leak, as there is no liquid needed for cooling. This QXG 500kva変圧器 makes them more environmental friendly — worse case, they damage the environment tad bit less than other distribution systems of power.
One more perk of dry transformers is that they require far less care and maintenance compared to conventional transformers. Dry transformers have no liquid so there is nothing to inspect or top off. And this makes them more manageable. In addition to this, another advantage of dry type transformers over their oil filled counterpart that the life expectancy is much longer which canine contribute a lot in saving costs for repairs and replacement as well. This QXG 100kva変圧器 especially works great for businesses and bodies that appetite to accumulate their operational costs down.
Small and flexibleDry transformers The developments are also scaleable for a wide range of applications. They can be used to generate power for buildings, schools, hospitals and large industrial machines. They can be mounted in locations where conventional liquid transformers could not fit or would meet with safety, code or regulatory impediments since they do not use cooling liquids. This flexibility of the dry transformers makes them an economic solution for many scenarios.
The latest dry transformers are integrated with the newest technology which allows them to consume energy in a more efficient manner. These enhancements are developed to minimize the losses of energy performing throughout its core and winding. It results in lower electricity costs for both domestic and business users because of low energy losses. This is Because, People are looking How they Can use Energy Efficiently and Reduce the over all Consumption of their energy as people an Companies.
当社には完全な製品とトランスがあり、品質は各ステップで監視できます。さらに、原材料も十分に供給されており、各プロセスで簡単に監視できます。原材料の品質管理、オンライン品質管理、プリロード品質管理により、お客様が入手する製品が認定されていることを確認できます。製品またはサービスは、IEC、IEEE、CSA、UL、GOST、TIER など、必要な標準を満たすようにカスタマイズできます。
当工場は、高度に自動化された dny トランスフォーマーを備え、高い生産性を実現しています。当工場では、毎年 20000 台を超えるトランスフォーマーを生産しています。通常のトランスフォーマーの製造時間は約 4 ~ 6 週間ですが、カスタマイズされたソリューションの場合、製造時間は 6 ~ 8 か月です。
当社は QXG の評判の高いメーカーです。110KV および超高電圧の 220KV 変圧器、ドライレベル以下の 35KV 変圧器、油浸変圧器、アモルファス合金変圧器など、多数の製品 (幅広い範囲) を提供しています。
QXG は、240,000 年以上にわたって電力分野の専門家として活躍しているプロバイダーです。施設は 1,000 平方メートルの広さで、200 人のエンジニアと技術者を含む XNUMX 人を超える従業員を擁しています。